Coronavirus Covid 19 Information
Risk Assessment - Updated January 2022
DfE Guidance for Schools - November 2021
Step 4 guidance for schools from the DfE
7th July 2021
Please be aware that if there are changes allowed from the DfE from 19th July, this is in the final week of the school year and what a year!
It is highly unlikely that we will change any routines for the final week. Instead it is important to protect families in school, as well as teacher's families, in order to enjoy a summer break and avoid any potential track and trace isolation.
We are planning a reset for the start on Tuesday 7th September and school will inform you of any changes before children return in September.
If you have any questions about this, please email your question to the class support email.
Thank you
Mrs Knight and team
Latest Risk Assessment April 2021 / June 2021
Returning to school in September and DCC Risk Assessment
If we have a local outbreak - DCC plans
School's risk assessment protocol updated each fortnight.
ELSA Calendar of Well Being Support and Active May Calendar of Daily Activities
School Updates 6th April 2020
Please read the News and Events - Latest News tab - for latest emails and the Google Booking Form for identified children to attend school from 14th April.
Ways to stay healthy during this period: please follow this link to access a really good website called Every Mind Matters:
Love from Mrs Knight and team x
Support for Maths learning
From Monday 23rd March children in Y3/4 and Y5/6 can access daily online maths learning from maths specialist Gareth Metcalfe either live on Facebook or through There will also be regular KS1 lessons. On the isee maths website ( parents can also register for support with resources, ideas and suggestions for maths learning at home. We hope that you will find this useful should you choose to access it with your child/ren.