PTFA events and news 2022-23
Well done to the winners of the Pumpkin carving competition and a huge thank you to everyone who took part. What an amazing amount of entries.
Thank you to all of the parents who donated to our wonderful house group hampers and who bought raffle tickets on the day.

Thank you to the PTFA for providing the lovely refreshments for the Year 6 leavers party, a great time was had by all!
Monday 5th July
A big thank you to the PTFA for our delicious ice cream treats after our Sports Day today!

17th June 2021 PTFA AGM
Please read the documents below from our AGM.
June 2021
Class 2 were delighted to spend their class budget from the PTFA. Thank you !
May 2021
The PTFA always donate some money towards the Year 6 Leavers Hoodies. Here are this year's group looking very smart in their new tops.