End of term arrangements

Dear parents and carers,

Here are arrangements for the last busy days this term!


25th March

Wednesday p.m. - Easter Garden Assembly - All entrants receive a small prize, 3rd, 2nd and 1st judged by Rev'd Keith. Thank you to parent supporters.

26th March

Thursday p.m.: Class 3 pupils - Class Party with Ms Leach. Snack contributions please.

Thursday p.m.: Class 1 Assembly to parents at 3.00 p.m.E

27th March

Friday a.m.: Last contributions for Easter Egg Raffle please. Thank you to those who have donated.

Friday a.m.: Children bring in £1.00 for strip of raffle tickets for Easter Egg raffle draw - PTFA funds.

Friday: 9.10 a.m. Farewell assembly for Ms Leach - Class 3 parents welcome. Easter Egg Raffle.

Friday 2.00 p.m. - Families welcome to join children for Easter Service at St. John's Church.

Friday 3.00 p.m. - All children walk back up to school - Families can sign out children to leave earlier than 3.30 if wished.  Please take home PE kits and extra coats, jumpers etc.


During Easter break, some grounds and outdoor learning improvement work will take place.


Monday 13th April: All return to school - bright and breezy, smart school uniform! All PE kit in a named bag, thank you.


All the best for a restful break,

Mrs Knight and team xx