Two weekly planning can be found on your Parentmail account over three emails
Dear families and friends of Instow,
Please find attached our planning for you to dip in and out of over the next two weeks when needing to support your child's study from home. Our topic is for super scientists out there to work on light and shadow themes! Any children on the school site will also follow his planning in order to share similar experiences.
We are also including some great links on the Reading Resources page, that enable you and your child to access wonderful on-line reading opportunities - keeping up reading is the most important pleasure and skill combined for our children. Thank you for continuing to support your child with enjoyable reading, but you may be running out of ideas, so these links may really help you!
Changes are underway on site, in preparation for the initial return of up to 8 pre-school in the parish hall, Reception children in Class 1 and Year 1 in Class Two from next Monday 8th June. If we find that there are more than 8 wishing to take up the place in school, then we might have to consider a part-time school place in order to accommodate everyone, while keeping the site as safe as possible for your children and staff.
Key worker children continue to be in school when key worker parents have to work and this provision is under continuous revision, so that our school site is able to cope with the government guidance on social distancing, especially for children, staff and parents.
If your child is in Pre-school, Reception or Year One, please complete the linked survey, even if you completed it a couple of weeks ago, as it eliminates the 'unsure' option. We have to calculate safe numbers on site now that I have sent you our information pack on our safety measures, so we would be grateful for those year group parents to complete one survey per child within this age range. Guidance is changing all the time and we are constantly reviewing arrangements, balanced with health & safety compliance.
Parents of children in Pre-School,Reception Class and Year One - kindly follow this link to complete the survey within a couple of minutes, thank you: Pre-School, Reception and Year One Parent's Survey from 8th June
There will be a number of emails being sent to you today that link to the planning for the next two weeks,
Fondest regards
Mrs Knight and team x