Ways to Communicate during school closure
Ways to Communicate:
Dear families and friends,
Further to our email and Google form for children from Monday 23rd March, there are two ways we can all communicate during this time when your children are at home.
Main school messages and updates from the Government will be sent to you via Parentmail and also published on our Latest News or Parents and Carers tabs on the website. www.instowcps.co.uk
Questions about your child's learning to their regular class teacher are as follows:
Sharing projects, photographs or work they are proud of over coming weeks:
- Seesaw link that has already been provided - for Pre-school / Class 2 / Class 3 / Class 4 / Class 5.
- This is a new link to pre-school families and you will be receiving as link in the coming days.
Because Reception children are already using on-line platform called Tapestry with Mrs Martin, this will remain the site to upload and share projects, photographs or work the Reception children are proud of to share with Mrs Martin, until anything changes.
There are numerous child-friendly initiatives happening across the world and we have agreed that it would be fun to all join in with Joe Wickes' exercise video link via YouTube at 9.00 a.m. each weekday, if you wish to maintain a healthy community spirit in your home!
All the best until further notice,
Mrs Knight and team xxx